Monday 24 October 2011

The Battle of Kamino.

Here is the story that I wrote for school.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Battle of Kamino
Chapter 1 – Setting Up

 The Clone squad were setting up a base on Kamino. They were setting up in a building next to a rocky outcrop to hold off the large battalion of battle droids.

 Captain Rex walked back to the gun ship to make a transmission to Coruscant to let his leader, Obi-wan, know they got there.

 When he finished the transmission he found a com link left on and heard a creaking sound which meant there was someone listening.

 Rex said in a quiet voice, “There is a traitor among my army!”

 Chapter 2 – The Start of the Battle.

 Rex picked up the com link. He had no idea whose it was so he went to the command centre to scan  it and when he did he found it belonged to Scale, one of his clone troopers.

 Rex looked out the window and picked out Scale who was walking towards the bomb box room and it all made sense. Rex said softly “Scale was always showing up where he shouldn’t be and watching too closely!”

 After Rex found out about Scale he got Cody on the com link. He said to Cody “Block off Scale, Cody! He’s a traitor! He’s headed for the bomb box room. Block him off!!”

Rex and Cody started running for the bomb room and as they got there they saw Scale running away. Scale threw a grenade under a tank and as it exploded he jumped on a speeder bike and headed for the energy field control system that protects them from droid attacks. Rex and Cody jump on two other speeders and chased Scale.

 When they arrived at the energy field they found that Scale had already set the grenades so Cody called in the bomb squad to disable them. While Cody was doing that Rex caught Scale and shoved him to the prison cell.

The bomb squad arrived too late and the grenade exploded with a giant flame and that took the energy field down.

 The droids started to advance immediately and the battle began.

Chapter 3 – The Raging Battle.

 The clones grabbed their weapons and started shooting the advancing droids and the droids fired back too. Rex and Cody found cover at the bunker and Rex quickly brought out two hand guns and let rip.

 The Rex remembered his grenades and threw one at a couple of droids. When it exploded the droids fell to the ground in pieces and Rex could hear their fizzing circuits.

 The scene of the battle was exciting. There were droids lying dead on rocks, tanks exploding, clones firing and dust everywhere.

 As the battle died down Rex noticed that his clone Slick was lying on the ground injured. Rex called for a Medic and ran to help Slick.

Chapter 4 – Victory.

When Rex got there he found that a droid had shot Slick in the leg. As the medic arrived Slick was in a bad condition so Rex and the medic got Slick on a stretcher and rushed him to the hospital bay.

As the clones cleaned the equipment, Rex and Cody talked about the battle. Rex said, “We totally turned them into scrap metal!”

“Yeah! I shot 72. How many did you shoot?” asked Cody.

Rex replied, “I shot 72 as well.  Huh. What a coincidence.”

“How is Slick, Rex?” enquired Cody.

Rex answered,  “ he’s in a stable condition but he will be okay ... not like Scale who is in his cell for a loooooong time”

Rex and Cody walked over to their squads and said, “Good job, Clones. You’ll all go up in rank for this. Let’s get on the gunship and head for home.”

Cody added, “Last clone on the gunship is a rotten garthbomb!”

Chapter 5 – Going Home.

 Cody, Rex and their squads boarded their ship and left Kamino to go back to Coruscant to await the next battle in the fight against the Separatists.